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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Photos of Life in Hawaii


Christmas Greetings!  Even in laid back Hawaii we don't miss out on the hectic pace of Christmas. Fitting in work, shopping, holiday parties, and full parking lots into an already full schedule can add to the stress of everyday living.

So this week I took a few snapshots to share.

1.  It rained, and rained and rained!  Question:  "What do tourists do when it rains?"  Answer:  "Enjoy the beach!" 

2.  What do locals do when it rains?

Make a warm, comforting meal.  It's a rare occasion that we choose to turn on the oven and heat up the house.  Having daytime temperatures hovering around 70 degrees gives us a chance to prepare our favorite winter time comfort food.  The lasagna looks good doesn't it?

3.  It's a good time to cuddle. 

The kittys can't curl up by the fireplace, but they can cuddle together near cool glass top table.

4.  Then, it was off to discover exactly where that Christmas music was coming from!

And we all thought back to last week when we went to Blowhole to look for the whales.

  6.  We didn't see any whales, so instead, we enjoyed the scenery overlooking Sandy Beach

The question of the day is, " What is your favorite photo? " 

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