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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boat Parade!

Every December in Hawaii Kai, we have a boat parade on the marina.  It's a festive event, and you can participate even if you don't own a boat.  The shindig starts around 5:45 pm at the Hawaii Kai Towne Center. 

The boats are decorated with dazzling holiday lights and creative themes.  They wind their way through the water and pass in front of the judges at the Towne Center to win several prizes, including best in show.

At dusk boats line up and slowly weave their way around the marina. It gets dark quickly and the decorations start to sparkle.

There are many places to relax and enjoy the parade.Free parking and wonderful views of the parade are available at Hawaii Kai's major shopping centers.  These are the Hawaii Kai Shopping Center, The Koko Marina Center and The Hawaii Kai Town Center.

One of the best places to relax is at the Blu Water Grill. Be sure to make a reservation well ahead of time, as this is a popular spot to have dinner and view the parade.

After the parade we headed home, and enjoyed the many lighted decorations on the homes and condos in the area.

Our neighbor decorated his palm tree and even added a snowman and red and green blinking lights around the's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Hawaii Kai...Hawaiian style.