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Monday, November 29, 2010

Socks in Honolulu?, braddah & sistah you no speak Hawaiian Pidgin English?  Well..I don't either, at least not so well.  :) Slipphas is the Pidgin term for Slippers.  No, not those warm cozy slippers that you snuggle into on the mainland on a chilly evening. You know, the ones lined with fleece and ohhh so warming to your tootsies.

Slipphas here are what you think of as flip-flops or flat sandals. In other words, cheap (affordable) beach shoes. They come in all colors and styles. You can find simple black, blue and local style rubber slippers at Long's and the Waikiki International Market Place to "Bling-e" ones at the Payless Shoe Store or Nordstrom's. Whateva', there are plenty of slipphas to choose from.

In Honolulu, the summer days are slipping into fall.  Current temp posted on my EVO 4G phone is: 74 degrees at 7:43 PM HST. The low was 69 degrees and the high was 81 degrees.

That may be a shocking number to the folks in Vermont where the current temp is 36 degrees with a clear forecast. Here in Honolulu, in Hawaii Kai where I live, a temp of 69 to 74 is downright cold...well maybe I've exaggerated a little bit, downright cooler is a better term.

So, what do I do when when it is colder?  When sleeping I either add a light terry cloth blanket or put on socks. For my husband Walt, I knitted a pair of cammo socks.

Beware!  If you buy a home in Hawaii, we don't have heaters in our homes.  Betta' bring a pair of socks wit u braddah or sistah.

1 comment:

  1. I luv my slippahs on these 'cold' Hawaii nights!


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