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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Helping Hands

Sometimes a little helping hand during the holidays is appreciated.  Many folks struggle financially during the Christmas season, even in the best of times.  Due to the financial meltdown that started in 2006, some homeowners are currently attempting to sell their homes, or negotiate a loan modification. Some are facing a looming foreclosure.

Freddie Mac, one of the lenders that holds the bulk of the mortgages across America has shown today that it does have empathy during the holiday season for homeowners.  Today they issued the following press release:

McLean, VA – Freddie Mac (OTC: FMCC) today announced it has ordered all evictions involving foreclosed occupied single family and 2-4 unit properties that had Freddie Mac mortgages to be suspended from December 20, 2010 to January 3, 2011.

"If the property is occupied, our foreclosure attorneys will suspend the eviction to provide a greater measure of certainty to families during the holidays," said Anthony Renzi, Executive Vice President of Single Family Portfolio Management at Freddie Mac.

It is my opinion that this action affords a degree of comfort and certainty to families so that they may celebrate with peace and dignity during the Christmas and Hanukkah season, and I applaud Freddie Mac.
What do you think? Do you agree?

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