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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Island Cats


Besides going to the beach, power shopping at Ala Moana Mall or sipping pineapple iced tea on your lanai, what else is there to do on any given day in Hawaii?  Plenty!

Are you interested in recreational events, business networking sessions, craft fairs, checking out the local music around town, or fine dining?  Do you have a favorite club or hobby that you like?  Just about anything you enjoy can be found on Oahu.

Yesterday, my Persian cat Beau and I went to a CFA cat show. It was the second show that Beau and I have ever attended. It was held at the Mc Coy Pavillion at the Ala Moana Beach Park.

The fun part about a cat show is that all are welcome! After the doors opened we got busy decorating the cage for the Christmas themed show. ( I came with friends and we all pitched in, making the set up easy.)

Then it was time for the judging.  There were four judges. Three were from the mainland and one judge came all the way from Tokyo, Japan.  Hard duty, judging cat shows in December on Oahu. 

Beau is still getting used to the what happens in the show ring. He only grumbles and complains a little bit.  I think that he may be saying, "Hey, Judge, don't touch my junk!"

At lunchtime everyone enjoyed a potluck meal at the picnic tables on the lanai and some talk story with new and old friends.  The kitties took advantage of the break and took a quick cat nap. Then, it was on to a few more show rings, collect the ribbons, pack up and head home.

Ahh...just another day in Paradise!

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